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1:What do you write ,  how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it ?

I write maven stp adp. I started tagging around 16 years old in juvenile hall so around 2006 but dident start really getting into it till about 2008 when I started learning more about graffiti. 

2:How did you get your name?

I was playing world of Warcraft as a kid and had just got busted for my old name while in juvenile hall, for tagging on the trays so had to change it, I saw a guild called maven and thought the letters were cool

Cause of the V in the middle. I googled the word and saw it meant an expert in something one does and thought it was a dope definition, and just started doodling it around and never stopped.

3: Who were your biggest influences and why?

Early on some of my influences as a teenager was seeing old scribes and tags in my hometown by Nero FP, and Stesek MTA. Later on as I got older dudes like Pale and Tolse STP, Apear MTA, Mort (RIP), Gkae MSK, and when I moved to the bay Swerv AMC UTI was an influence on me bombing and in SF mayoe with the cutty tags all city. 

4: What's  your Favorite type of graffiti? 

Tagging for sure , and then bombing 

5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in?

I don’t consider it hip hop cause there’s so many diverse people from all different walks of life who get into graffiti. From all different types of groups. I was a skater kid who fell into it young just looking at the tags around town And learning from the surenos in juvenile hall, who would practice tagging there hoods on paper in class. 

6: What's your favorite type of music?

Drum n bass and house

7: What's the difference between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you?

It’s completely different in my opinion, they have a different agenda when tagging there hood. We are trying to get up everywhere and it’s more a self promotion and crew promotion than tagging your neighborhood or crossing out rival hoods. 

8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles? 

Neither but I’ll go with coco pebbles 

9: Are you in your prime as of right now? And if not, when do you think your prime was? 

Not in my prime right now, can’t paint right now with legal

Shit going on but I’ll be back soon enough. 2018 I was going the hardest but 2025 will be a good year for me. 

10: What's your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite?

I really like painting in Philly, it’s all about tagging there and of course that’s my favorite shit to do. But I also love painting SF and NYC. I like the challenge. Oakland is just too easy and not satisfying. 

11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ?

I think it’s wack. But if you look at the property owners perspective and how they feel about it , how else are they going to deter people from crushing shit. Making them scared to catch a tag. It also shows who is really about bombing when you add that aspect to it. Don’t want to see anyone go to jail but graffiti just wouldn't be the same if there wasent that risk. 

12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so what's your favorite brand to drink?

No forty’s right now or for along time 

13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..)

I think it’s cool if it’s made by writers for writers but don’t care for the commercial side of it. But I’m a capitalist, if you’re a business man and see a trend that people will spend money on , well that’s America. I’m not going to buy it, and if non writers by it they just look stupid. 

14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during?

Going to break tradition and pass on the chase stories, most good ones I have don’t involve graff.

15: Any last Shout outs? 

I want to shout out my brother Pounds STP ADP for holding me down while I was gone, and also Cesoh STP UTI ADP, Urban STP ADP. And to Jinks for always keeping me with graff mags and books. Thank you. Also to Bruno, Phero, Vapes, Fupa, and the rest of my STP crew. And to all my brothers in ADP. Lastly I wanna shout out SWERV AMC UTI.




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