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1:What do you write ,  how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it?

I write DEBATE ,repping lords Familia. I've been writing awhile now ,I'm also trying to stay around. When I was around 12 I grew up with alot of OG lords and as I got older my goal was to be in Lords and eventually I got blessed to rep it.

2:How did you get your name?

I got caught in a few charges for graffiti and the task force busted me and raided me so I had to write a difftent name ..I really like to debate or argue points of views and can see all sides of an issue ,I needed a new name and it fit ,been rocking it since.

3: Who were your biggest influences and why?

Growing up the vast majority of my Indluences were dudes in LORDS crew or earlier dudes in the bay like alladin,dare,Picasso,king ,but over all most are dudes in my crew that I've watched grow and adapt and evolve.

4: What's  your Favorite type of graffiti? 

(Scribes,tag,bombs,or styles)

I'm really big on not bein a one trick pony,I feel bombers bomb,taggers tag,piecers piece and freight writers hit frieghts. I belive a writers does all the above .I just enjoy being up in Any way .The majority of writers I enjoy are those that learn all the forms and get down .I don't really focus to much on one type As long as you have paid your dues I salute you .IM not a big fan of those who just pop up and paint chill spots thier entire careers. To each his own but I think the dues have to be paid in the streets. After u go all city you paint chill spots.

Name any craft and thier are dues owed .. You can tattoo but if you didn't pay dues as an apprentice then it's diffrent than a person who spent a year or 2 sweeping floors..setting machines up..doing break downs. Also thats not to say I care either I don't knock any one but I strongly belive in paying dues .

5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in?

I don't, the reason why is when graffiti was taking to the next levels rap was really in its infancy. Yes rap was a part of it ,but if you go back and look you'll see dudes and women from all back grounds and music interest were painting...we're talking 70s and 80s..even in style wars you can see that diffrent music was involved durring those early years .Alot of writers were in rap but also the other music of that time.

6: What's your favorite type of music?

Don't really have one ,if it hits..if the beat is cracking or it has that groove I can vibe to it 

7: What's the difference between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you?

I consider gangs as a local ,central area ,like a neighborhoodwhere's graffiti is the whole city or state or country or world .Both have rules and programs and a code but most gangs are a spefic area ,where a crew can be world wild.

8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles? 

Cap'n crunch 

9: Are you in your prime as of right now? And if not, when do you think your prime was? 

I can't really say ,at all points through out my career I've felt like damm I'm killing it but when I look back I cringe, I just try to have fun and if pepole feel my shit or get inspired by it then I'm happy .I show fools respect and ask for that in return .I just paint and stay in my lane .I had gotten bored of it all about 2 years ago ,and doper suggested we try a new more fluid approach to graff with no sketching .Normally you get to a spot buff it then sketch it out and make lil tweaks here and there ,fix a bar or a part of your letter ,then u fill it and add the outline and you decorate it and clean it up .So we figured why not just add paint and do the outline how ever it comes out ,if something looks off ,find a way to make it work.

No cutbacks do overs ..just figure it out .I've been enjoying the challenge of it .Its been about 2 ..2 and half years now of doing that style no sketch ..the whole outline is in one shot.

10: What's your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite?

Nothing like the bay ,we hyphy down here and a melting pot of all races and backgrounds and vibes . After the bay maybe Miami or New York

11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ?

I think it's lame haha free the homies ,but also nothing is accepted by society unless they can profit off it .Weed is an example of that ,once they figured out how to tax it ,it's all good now ,but 10 years back you'd do some time for smoking it ..society only accepts things that make money slang herion you go to prison ,you make oxys ? You on the forbess list and stock prices go up .they only accept things when they can get money off it taxes or marketing ,what I mean by that is ,if I paint a billboard I'm destroying property ,if coke pays me to do a billboard ..same billboard,but now I'm advertising and helping coke so now it's ok ,corporations can some how plaster thier names and brands every where on everything and it's ok..but heaven forbid for a normal person to do it . 

12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so what's your favorite brand to drink?

I'll drink here and there but like to be aware at all times. 

13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..)

It's a double edge sword ,one one hand its cool its more accepted now but on the other hand anyone with an iPad can print up some stickers and get 20k followers .As long as you respect the craft and the rules do your thang . Learn that pepole died for this ,lost family,did jail time,got injuries had lives ruined ,this isn't disney ,I think at times pepole forget ..everything is earned .Noone cares about your struggles ,race,economic status,seuxal orientation,how cool you are if you're a nerd,all that matters is your work ,your u move in the streets ..get respect by respecting the game and those who laid the grown work and those in it for real for real .

14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during?

Too many to name lol

15: Any last Shout outs?

Shout ot to my crew and family 

Shout out to the OGs and the Ygs hungry in the streets,and the photographers 




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