KRK “KickRocks”
1:What do you write , how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it ?

I write KRK. It is short for Kick RocKs. I been writing for over 15 yrs. I been into graffiti since i was 12 when i started skateboarding. It wasnt until after HS i started bombin when i moved to SF.
Kids have it easy these days. Trying to do graff in the late 90s early 2000s was not as accessible in many ways as it is today. Now you got 10-13 yr olds boming today. Progression is cool i guess.
2:How did you get your name?
St Patricks day one night in the TL. Socked some kid who had been dissing my tags that wrote doper. I wrote cuba up until that night.When i got my roomate was talking to me and in the conversation he said
"Clocking Rookie Kids"...that was it after that. Switched up the C for a K.

3: Who were your biggest influences and why? my initial homies when i moved to sf- rose, cajun, quartz, young, melo, fed, keep, yesm, gus alen, buck50, kerse, nekst. I could keep going- all these people bombed
in live time when i was coming up.. Met all of them.
4: What's your Favorite type of graffiti?
The ones who dont like "writers" and all the cliches that come with that title.

5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in?
Sometimes i do. But in reality. All that stuff left me after I started painting for real. When your commiting a felony there is no genre of music or anything of that nature that matters.
Your commiting a crime. You need to be on point for the little time you need to do what it is your doing. FInish. Get home. Celebrate later.

6: What's your favorite type of music?
All of it. I'll go from some oldies to some satanic triple 6 mafia shit. right over to necro, some wu, and follow up with some Warzone. We love variety.

7: What's the difference between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you? the difference for me is when i bomb on the west coast- i wear black or forest greeen. No red or blue. Thats the difference. Learned from experience walking around 24th st in the mission.

8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles?
Capt Crunch.
9: Are you in your prime as of right now? And if not, when do you think your prime was?
I feel like im just getting there. I feel like I've expanded on things outside of bombing that inturn motivate my bombing to get better.
A good criminal will lower the number of small petty crimes he does in order to raise the stakes and value of a few crimes vs a shit load.
So with painting- after a certain point - less is more and qaulity over quantity. Spots and style. I dont need to paint every night anymore.
Like who you really doing that for. Lol.

10: What's your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite?
NY- Graffiti runs here.
11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ?
That shits retared. But you gottta pay to play. My advice- move to a city that wont lock you up for graffiti. Get outta them small towns and creek spots. Thats the shit that will give you felony.

12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so what's your favorite brand to drink? hell- no. I drink duvel beer and Top Shelf Vodka. Belvedeere. Im Older. My taste is refined.
13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..)
I will never put my tag on a garment and sell it. thats just me.

14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during?
You know - I dont have chase stories cus I step to my spots confidently. I paint between 3am-5am- I know how to look for folks and spot cars. Yes mistakes can happen and im not afraid to get wrapped for doing a fill.
I will never run from pussy ass cops. Ill stand right there and own my shit. I own my faults and will pay for them. Remember not everyone thinks or cares about graffiti like writers do. So when civilians pop off- its expected. its not a suprise to me. They have all the right to be pissed. You just vandalized their property. Why the fuck would you think you get a pass from that. Be better and dont get caught.

15: Any last Shout outs?
WKT GANG. all of US.