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1:What do you write ,  how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it ?

CHUBY MFB YB J4F . I’ve been writing since for 8 years give it take. I started writing because I used to skate when I was younger and would see Graffiti everywhere I was at.

2:How did you get your name?

I got my name because I’ve been a big boy my whole life. I Only 1 B because 6 letters is too much.

3: Who were your biggest influences and why?

Some big influences were my Big bro SUE1 that put me on with my first streak. Taught me how to rack and took me on some of my first paint missions . My brother HIDRO I’ve spent countless nights with Mobbin and killin cans with . Painting with ISHUE also made me want to get my letters crisp and bold . East Bay graffiti in general is where I’m comin from .

4: What’s  your Favorite type of graffiti?

East Bay Graffiti … tag everything and keep hustlin

5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in?

I see similarities in hip hop and graffiti definitely.

6: What’s your favorite type of music?

whoever’s been talkin that shyt about hustling !! I mix it up tho always changing it up really . I’m not in 1 mood all day so I tend to change up my music throughout the day .

7: What’s the difference between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you?

Gang graffiti is gangs hitting up their neighborhood to show people who runs the area . Graffiti for me is self expression that anyone can do . Doodling your name on the bus stop bench is even graffiti . That’s the beauty of graffiti , anyone can do it and show how they’re feeling in that moment.

8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles?

fruity Pebbles all day . I’m not big on

chocolate honestly.

9: Are you in your prime as of right now? And if not, when do you think your prime was?

As of now I’m just coasting along when it comes to graffiti . I feel like I rushed and did a lot in a short time so now I’m worried about my career . I feel I’m getting old so I been alittle more selective with my spots . Always tagging everyday tho that’s forsure . A tag a day is usually my rule . If I don’t reach quota I usually ride around once a week and catch tags around the city . I feel my prime is soon to come . I want to keep changing styles and keep it fun . I’ve learned some new moves since I left the bay and moved to Vegas , so I’ve been tryna keep things going and not try and do the same letters or style too much.

10: What’s your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite?

My favorite city I ever painted would have to be San Juan , Puerto Rico . It was super beautiful there I enjoyed every minute of my trip. I went out there alone and just chilled and vibed . Dollar can scanned some rustos at Walmart and got to work with some locals I got linked up with . My family is islanders so I usually like going to islands for vacation . Spent a day hiking to a waterfall , slappin music cruisin the whole city , hittin black fills all night with the homie GETE , ate at some nice places with views . I really enjoyed it I plan on going again. Also since I started traveling a lot of my homies been interested in traveling and been hitting me up about trips so I’m lookin forward to mobbing more with my people , writers or not.

11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ?

Jail time comes with anything illegal so I understand. I try and be selective with my spots to avoid that but it’s apart of the game . I tend to stay away from government owned stuff like freeway walls and all that cause that’s usually what will get your sent to jail for a bit.

12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so what’s your favorite brand to drink?

I’m not big on drinking and I never really have been . I’ll sip with my bruddas whenever I’m around them but I usually only sip Modelos when that is . ModelosForBreakfast whenever I’m at a Mexican restaurant for breakfast tho Everytime . Just to reminisce on all the all nighters I spent with my brothers .

13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..)

There’s a lot of new kids writing graffiti back home in the Bay Area right now . I encourage the new generation because I know how it feels to have the older gen hate on you when you come out . There’s far less spots and getting paint for free in the Bay Area is pretty burnt out now . Just like anything else the hype will probably die down and people will go back to being themselves. I let all of those people bunch up on those walls we all see , triple floaters and all that bullshyt . Put graffiti on everything fuck it !! So the kids can remember it’s cool to express yourself and be whoever it is you really want to be .

14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during?

I was just painting in New York with all my J4F bruddas . I was doing a black fill in on a store front in china town . A cop blurped us while I was filling in , I didn’t know my look outs started painting until we got blurped . I had a pretty good head start so I kicked one . I thought they were gonna come for me because I’m bigger than the other homies so I thought forsure I was done . I hit a couple corners , tossed my gloves paint and jacket in a cut , and sat on a random stoop a few blocks away smoking a cigarette trying to look normal . It wasn’t anything too crazy but I know NYPD doesn’t play so I’m glad  I didn’t get booked that trip .  I try and Always wear gloves when I paint . There’s not much they can argue if you don’t have any paint on you .

15: Any last Shout outs?

Id like to shout out My Brudda SUE1 , OKAE and HAPU CKT , GROSE DCB , My paint shop @nightowl_PS , My Crews MFB YB’S J4F . Shout out the East Bay and San Lorenzo to be exact .Shout out anyone that supports me and my antics . Shout out all my custies that keep a youngin lit and Chubby . Last but not least !! Shout out lowes for keeping me stocked on streakers these last 5 years hahaha . 💪🙏




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