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TBIS 1:What do you write , how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it?

Im known as MissReds, but write REDS. Been writing since 2007, so that makes it 9 years since ive been contributing to this scene.

TBIS 2:How did you get your name?

Back in highschool I had dyed my hair radiant red, and would wear a lot of Red.. So one day during P.E., i was running the mile, and when I'm active, my cheeks get red. One of my homies then proceeds to call me "Red Crayon", and the name stuck, then shortened to Red.

TBIS 3: Who were your biggest influences and why?

When I was a youngster I would look at the Subway Art book and was drawn to Poem's style the most. Dare (R.I.P) & Sever influenced me the most style wise.

TBIS 4: Whats your Favorite type of graffiti?

All graffiti is my favorite graffiti, but I lean more towards piecing. I enjoy coming up with color schemes on the spot for it, usually rocking scrap cans.

TBIS 5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in?

Graffiti is not hip hop, there's all different kinds of genre's involved in this scene. I honestly dont think it falls in a certain type of group, it's made for anyone that likes to fuck shit up, being a punk kid, hip hop head, or hardcore kid, were all just trying to get our names up and shoving it in peoples faces.

TBIS 6: Whats your favorite type of music?

I'm a mess when it comes to music. If you put my iPod on shuffle, youre going to get everything from Hardcore to Bachata, Screamo, Trap, Underground Hip Hop, to Vallenatos. But I'd say my top two are hardcore & trap.

TBIS 7: Whats the difference to you between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you?

After moving to California, I've noticed more gang graffiti then anywhere else. What I realize about it, is that gang graffiti is more about territory as to just regular graffiti is about being up everywhere and anywhere.

TBIS 8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles?

Fruity Pebbles ALL DAY! i even have a little rap about it, but we wont get into that lol

TBIS 9: Are you in your prime as of right now? and if not when do you think your prime was?

Negative, i have slowed down & gained a bunch of haters. Ive noticed the increase of people that arent even trying to fuck with me anymore cause i rep TKO... and you know what, thats okay! I was in my prime about 2 years ago id say. Ive gotten lazy as fuck lately.

TBIS 10: Whats your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite?

Oakland is definitely my number one favorite city to paint. Always fun & in good company. And usually you're bound to bump into other homies spraying.

TBIS 11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ?

I see it as pointless. And find comedy behind that we get more time than some rapists out there. Now which is the real crime here?

TBIS 12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so whats your favorite brand to drink?

Ive never been a big fan of beer... but i will drink the fuck out of a MD 20/20 hahaha, and i still do! Blue raspberry please!

TBIS 13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..)

It depends the way you see it, I hate it in a way to be honest. Seeing someone rock some "graffiti" inspired apparel thats being sold in stores, just to be cool is sickening to me. While there's better shit being put out by local smaller brands with real graffiti. Look at what Moschino did with all that graffiti inspired fashion, fucking lame all around.

TBIS 14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during?

Theres been quite a few, but here's one of the first chases I went thru: back in Miami, went to a very active freight yard. It was about 6 of us painting in there when all of a sudden we got cornered in by workers on both ends. As were all yelling OH SHIT! we all gave chase hopping thru 6 lines to try to make it to the fence out. My cans were flying everywhere with every hop i made. As we thought we were safe out of the yard, we then had to duck cops circling the area looking for us. All of us made it safe except one.

TBIS 15: Any last Shout outs?

Shout outs to all my crews TKO OES SAT KYS 004. to all those that fuck with me & even to those that don't. To all the fuck boys & girls i beef with, kisses to you. And a huge shout out to Momma Reds <3 Stay up everybody!



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