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1:What do you write ,how long have you been writing for (year started), and why did you get involved in it ? Was good everyone, I write DEAL 1 or go by DEALER, DEALS OR DLR. I'm out that Noctorious HTF mob, WKT, TMC and last but not least GMC, been part of other crews but they've dissolved vanished or simply their isn't anyone in repping them. I started in about the end of 1991 but had an eye on the prize since about 89. I got involved in graffiti because I lived right across from an area that's well known in Oakland for Graffiti, the 23rd yards I lived on e.15st and 23rd so every day I'd go out there to see what was going on, and met all kinds of graffiti writers some locals and many out of towners great moments I will forever cherish. I later moved to 27th and foothill and still would continue they same routine always had a blast at the yards.

2:How did you get your name? I got my name from my dads friends my dad was a local hustler from 23rd a lot of people in Oakland know him they called him DEALRichDOGS he always had something to DEAL you name it, so the older heads started calling me LIttle DEALS

3: Who were your biggest influences and why? My biggest influences I would have to say would have to be the local writers I would constantly see around, my area or surrounding areas in Oakland, San Francisco or San Jose, like DEL OR PHRESH, BLAZE, RADIUS OR KOSE, SERF OR ANTHONY, SUNDANCE, PLADO, BRUJO, TONY, CEAVER, DREAM, DEVOUR, KING 157, OOPS, COST, BUM, PLICKS, BRY, TENSE AND WRATH, ORFN, TWIST, DEEN, DUG, GIGS AND RACUS, SAZE, TUNES, MYTHO,EAGER, POEM, DONE and GYRO, STYLE, STARE sorry to many to list but these were big influences on the kid, Spray can art and Subway art and other graff books ingnited the flame even more.

4: Whats your Favorite type of graffiti? I don't have a favorite type I love graff some homies still do wild style type of graff letters, some do more of that new age bubble letter type, and some do some killer straights that are dope as fuck, some do that L.A type of CHOLO style that's banging all sick styles and like them all.

5: Do you consider graffiti Hip Hop? and if not where did you pick it up from and what group do you think it falls in? For sure its hip hop, one of the elements definitely. Graffiti is a way of expression its an art to most of us and vandalism to society anyway you look at it its a mark a person leaves behind to let others know a story of I was here.

6: Whats your favorite type of music? Shit, I like all kinds of music from Rap to Rock and Roll to Mexican Corridors, shit if country sounds good I'll bump it, I love music relaxes me.

7: Whats the difference to you between Graffiti and Gang graffiti to you? Graffiti and Gang graffiti to me are some what the same its all Territorial and the end of the day, you risk your freedom to rock your crew and name and for someone to buff you, go over you or diss you doesn't feel good and makes you feel some type of way, at least to me it does, yes their is rules in the game and you must follow them to an extent but like in gang graffiti where gang members mark their territory or throw up their name for fame or for others to be aware of the area, were the same most of us who are loyal to the crew and are willing to lose our freedom or get hurt to mark our name and represent the crew, we all know what we signed up for, I've been arrested for this, been in many fights with other writers and even have lost good friends who became like family to me in this game that I will forever treasure in my heart

8: Fruity pebbles or coco pebbles? Definitely Fruity Pebbles

9: Are you in your prime as of right now? and if not when do you think your prime was? Not in my prime at all but still down to get it many remember me from the HTF VS. MDK battles in the 90's it was off the hook MDK AND UGS formed an alliance and man did they have some talented writers and so many heads as for us we were some what divided the main head for us was locked up most of the 90's era so their were many power struggles and some division my crimey and best friend SKOE aka NUMS had my back and supported me in everything that I did a real solid one shouts out to BIG WHITE BOY SKOE one crazy violent cat.

10: Whats your favorite city that you have painted and why is it your favorite? Oakland by far is and was my favorite city to crush, so many writers from different cities and states move to Oakland because of the Graffiti, its so diverse and man is it crushed from the East to the West to the North their is enough space for locals and out of towners just be aware where your at in Oakland were pretty territorial and not all out of towners are welcomed trust me.

11: What do you think of people getting jail time for graffiti ? I think we all know the consequences to our actions in this game, I don't like jail but hey I know what I signed up for and the repracutions.

12: Do you still drink 40’s and if so whats your favorite brand to drink? Im not a big drinker but hey I've always been a big fan of Budweiser that shit has me feeling some type of way every time I drink it.

13: How do you feel about the graffiti trend and as well as being used for everything now a days (clothing,lunch boxes , hats , etc…..) Graffiti is water downed now back in the days it was a mystique to meet a writer, shit you had to go to certain spots to meet writers and it wasn't bank hours either shit now you can see Graffiti with only a click or even meet your favorite writer through social media, things have changed and we need to learn to adapt, and accepted for what it is now graffiti is part of society now its a trend among youth, most kids that are writing now in days do it to be cool, but have no idea what the elements of hip hop are, before being a writer wasn't as cool some local thugs thought of writers as soft or weak but most of us had to prove that was far from the truth shit I took and take this graffiti serious I love my name and crews.

14: Do you have a chase story that people would like to hear one that you almost shit your self during? Yea dude, I do. I was at a local yard here in the bay area won't say where but man was I shitting bricks, it was 3 of us my boy SKETCH POW from ARIZONA who rocks a gang of freights and my OG homeboy the infamous freight killer who I won't disclose, were rocking some steel when all of sudden out of no where come 2 Union Pacific Police trucks with their lights off and jumped off a few cars away we ran and ran and I decided to get on top of the freights cause I knew the closest exit was far away the homeboys followed and we all got on top and just layed there while the officers walked around the freights taking pictures and flashing their flash lights all around the area, man I felt like a caged hamster after like 15 minutes I saw bright lights from the truck take off the opposite direction, one effin close call, man.

15: Any last Shout outs? For sure Shouts out to your Magazine and all the readers reading this interview thanks for the support and I'm humbled in doing this interview thanks a lot G. Shouts out to everyone in Oakland and San Leandro my second home, love that city lived there many years as well, shouts out to the homies in Richmond CA. Another city I have mad love for and last but not least to the following homes and crews, GUSALEN, KOSER, KLOG, VEKS, BEGR, VOGUE, DONE, STASH, REPTILE, ANKOR, MANOS, BOMBER, SHOOTEM, CHIEF, NERF, KOPE, NAVE, LUTER, JPEG, TRAGOE, CEAVER, SKOE, CORE, THIEF, ARMS, DEAF, THINK, CENTS, BROKE, CEST, EAGER, SERVE, KESER, BROWN, TASK, LOCS, REIK, 3AYEM, IROT, ADORE, GMC ,AMC, WKT, HTF, TMC , TMF, TWB, D30, TDK, LORDS, KYT, DTC BSK, VMK, 640, TOP DOGS, 1810, MTA, UTI PCA, OFA, TWS, KHY, TMP, OSL, JBF, CR, ISB, GCMS, HS, and to everyone who loves this game we call graffiti, god bless and be safe out there while getting it peace out everyone. RIP.PLICKS PAK DREAM SERF MEXICAN MIKE SUAVE REVERSE GOOFY CHOPS FACH CEKS ANEMAL ENTCE SINER OOPS SCHMOE TIE GEB KUTZ TERMS and FREE SWRV FREE RYSE FREE CUBES peace out everyone.



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